Employees and Residents Receive COVID Vaccine
Social distancing and wearing masks have become daily precautionary measures for Americans as this global pandemic reaches far and wide. Keeping you and your loved ones safe have been Generations’ number one priority during these challenging times. Generations will be part of the first wave of COVID-19 vaccine phases in California, Colorado, Oregon, Utah, and Washington. While these timelines are fluid, healthcare workers and residents in long-term care facilities can rest assured that state governments see the risk COVID-19 poses for us all. They are prioritizing taking care of us so that we can take care of others.
“Our staff, our healthcare heroes, and our residents – the reason we are here – have all put in extraordinary effort, adapted to tremendous change, and made personal sacrifices to reach this moment. They are among those whom the most has been asked during this pandemic and they did it on faith that we would get to this moment. It is wildly appropriate that they are honored with such an early opportunity to receive the vaccine.” – Rebecca Stayner, Generations Support Team.
In conjunction with the CDC, the FDA is working with states to ensure distribution plans for the COVID-19 vaccine. This includes opening storage facilities, vaccine distribution centers and ensuring those most vulnerable to COVID-19 are protected in hospital and long-term care facilities. This also includes frontline workers who put their life at risk daily to care for patients and residents. We do not have an exact time frame for when the vaccine will roll out. Our team is working with local and state governments to plan the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine to our staff and residents. As of now, the CDC and FDA expect the vaccine to be two doses for maximum efficacy with a rollout starting by the end of 2020. Our onsite clinics will ensure our residents and staff can quickly and easily get theCOVID-19 vaccine as soon as available. This is at zero cost to everyone involved. As soon as our onsite clinics are scheduled, our residents, staff, and families will be the first to know.
Generations will continue to adhere to CDC guidelines in COVID-19 prevention. From personal protection equipment, testing our staff and residents, and continuing to adhere to mask-wearing and social distancing, Generations will continue to be diligent with precautions and infection control measures to help keep residents, staff, and our communities safe. We will continue to provide updates to the public, our staff, families, and our residents as we have them.
Generations is grateful to the CDC, FDA, and state and local governments for prioritizing our residents and employees during the COVID-19 pandemic. We look forward to distributing the vaccine and prioritizing everyone’s health and safety within the Generations family as we continue to face daily life in the COVID era.

While caregiving can be a very important act of love and service, it is common for caregivers to…

Keeping you and your loved ones safe has been Generations’ number one priority during these…

Listen to our musical collaboration, written by staff and residents at every Generations community.